France Excellence Graduate Scholars

Coordinated by the Embassy of France in the United States and Campus France, the France Excellence Graduate Scholars program provides registration tuition scholarships to high-potential students who choose to pursue Master's degrees in French higher education institutions.
Details of the Scholarship
The France Excellence Graduate Scholars program aims to support up to 30 students each year, under the status of French Government Scholarship Recipient (Boursier du gouvernement français) at the level of a Social Security Grant (Bourse de couverture sociale).
This new program seeks to support high-potential students with demonstrated financial need who choose to pursue a Master's degree in France.
The benefits of being selected as a France Excellence Graduate Scholar extend beyond the financial award, and include access to housing support, a network of other global scholars, and support from the Campus France Agency while in country.
Benefits of the Scholarship
- Full registration fee waiver for the entire program period of a Master's degree within a French public institution under the authority of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI). The amount of the waived tuition fee may vary depending on institution and program. Eligible Master's programs include national degrees within French public universités and within some additional public institutions of higher education* under the authority of the MESRI. Only tuition following the national fee structure is eligible for exemption. Frais de formation or additional fees will not be exempted.
- *Additional public institutions with France Excellence Graduate Scholar Partnerships include:
- The École normale supérieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon) – see Partnerships information below for details
- The École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) – see Partnerships information below for details
- *Additional public institutions with France Excellence Graduate Scholar Partnerships include:
- Full health insurance and supplementary insurance coverage;
- Access to cultural activities, travel opportunities, sports, and workshops subsidized by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs;
- Networking with thousands of other French government scholars from around the world;
- Administrative and logistical support from the Campus France Agency in Paris (read more).
- Scholars are responsible for their own travel and living expenses, and are encouraged to seek additional grants or financial aid, if needed. Some restrictions on additional funding from French public agencies may apply, read the Detailed Application Information.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates should meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Be a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident (students with French citizenship are not eligible to apply);
- Have gained admission, or be in the process of applying for admission, to Master's level degree a public French institution of higher education (in either M1 or M2). Eligible Master's programs include national degrees within French public universités and additional public institutions of higher education authority of the MESRI.
- Have an undergraduate record of academic excellence;
- Demonstrate high potential for academic excellence at the graduate level;
- Demonstrate high potential for an impactful professional career in their respective field;
- Demonstrate financial need. A key goal of this scholarship program is to provide financial support for students who may not otherwise have the means to consider pursuing graduate school in France. As such, financial need of the applicant is considered in the selection process.
How to Apply
The application for the 2025-2026 will open on April 3rd 2025.
- Applications open: April 3, 2025
- Deadline for online applications and supplementary documents: April 22, 2025
- Scholar selection decisions announced: May 2025
Online Application Process
The online application form includes the following information:
- Information about the Master's degree program/s to which you have been admitted, or to which you are in the process of applying;
- Etudes en France Dossier Number (if you have submitted an Etudes en France Application as an HDAP Candidate);
- Three statements of motivation covering academic and professional goals:
- How has your previous undergraduate academic background prepared you for this Master's program? (2,500 characters max.)
- How does this Master's program align with your professional goals? (2,500 characters max.)
- Optional: Do your professional goals align with any of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals? If so, please describe that alignment. (2,500 characters max.)
- Statement of demonstrated financial need:
- Please describe why becoming a Campus France USA Graduate Scholar and having access to the tuition waiver and other benefits of this Bourse de couverture sociale would be important for you as you consider the financial commitment of graduate study. (2,500 characters max.)
- Please describe why becoming a Campus France USA Graduate Scholar and having access to the tuition waiver and other benefits of this Bourse de couverture sociale would be important for you as you consider the financial commitment of graduate study. (2,500 characters max.)
- Supporting documents:
- A recent resumé or CV;
- Official undergraduate transcripts and letter of good standing (if not yet graduated);
- Letters of recommendation that focus on academic potential, research potential, and/or ability to adapt to a new academic environment (optional, unless already included in your EEF application);
- Proof of acceptance to a Master's program at a French university (if already admitted) or proof of submission of an admissions application to a Master's program at a French university (if awaiting admissions decisions).
NOTE: Supporting documents are not required for this online application if candidates have already submitted an HDAP Candidate application via Etudes en France.
For inquiries about the Campus France USA Graduate Scholars Program, please contact:
Campus France USA
Embassy of France in the United States

The Franco-American Fulbright Commission was established in 1948 to foster leadership, learning, and empathy between the United States and France. Today the Commission provides grants for its laureates to study and to conduct research in the United States or in France, thanks to the funding of both the French government, through the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, and the American government through the Department of State.
Apply by October 2024 for a Fulbright Open Study/Research Award. Through a partnership between Fulbright France and the Embassy of France in the United States, up to 3 successful US applicants who have been awarded a Fulbright Open Study/Research Award to pursue a full master’s degree in France will receive additional support as a France Excellence Graduate Scholar and gain access to the general benefits of the Graduate Scholars program detailed above, including tuition exemption.

The ENS de Lyon is small-size, multidisciplinary, research-oriented public graduate school focusing on high-level education and research across the sciences and humanities. The campus of ENS de Lyon is in the heart of France's second largest city, less than two hours by train from Paris, Marseille, Geneva, and the Alps.
Apply by January 10, 2024 for a master's degree, and apply at the same time for an ENS Scholarship of Excellence, which provides a stipend of 1,000€ per month to selected scholars. Through a partnership between ENS de Lyon and the Embassy of France in the United States, up to 3 successful US applicants who have been awarded an ENS de Lyon Scholarship of Excellence will receive additional support as a France Excellence Graduate Scholar and gain access to the general benefits of the Graduate Scholars program detailed above, including tuition exemption.

The École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) is a graduate-only research institution founded in 1984 as a ‘grand établissement’ alongside the College de France, the Institut d’études politiques de Paris and the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers. EHESS hosts scholars from all over the world committed to the study of contemporary societies seen within broad cultural and historical contexts. EHESS trains masters and doctoral students across all disciplines of the social and human sciences (history, anthropology, sociology, economics, geography, linguistics, psychology, demography, cognitive science, political science, philosophy, and mathematics). With its high percentage of international students and faculty, EHESS has created a unique global academic network. With over 1,000 round-table seminars a year, in which faculty and guest scholars present and discuss their current research with students, EHESS occupies a central position in French intellectual life. EHESS has its main campus in Paris with one regional campus in Marseille.
Through a partnership between EHESS and the Embassy of France in the United States, up to 3 successful US applicants who obtain admission into an EHESS national master’s degree program will receive support as a Graduate Scholar in France and gain access to the general benefits of the Graduate Scholars program detailed above, including exemption of national tuition fees.
Scholars are funded for the full duration of their graduate program in France
- Students entering into the first year (M1) or the second year (M2) of a Master's degree may apply. Scholars entering the first year of a two-year program will be funded for the entirety of the degree program. Scholars entering the second year of a two-year program will be funded for one year. Scholars entering a one-year degree program will be funded for one year. Continued funding is dependent on academic success and fulfilling all reporting requirements. Please note that funding does not continue if the student is participating in a mobility program in another country outside of France during their Master's studies.
Scholarship Details
2023-2024 Selected Graduate Scholars
The 2023-2024 cohort of Graduate Scholars in France attended Master's-level programs in France including, but not limited to:
Université de Tours, Master Sciences humaines et sociales, mention Musicologie
Université de Paris 8, Master Ecologie des arts et des médias : esthétiques et pratiques contemporaines de l’art
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Master Lettres, parcours Lettres modernes
Sorbonne Université, Master Sciences humaines et sociales mention Histoire de l'art et archéologie parcours Histoire de l'art: création, diffusion et patrimoine
Sorbonne Université, Master LLCER Etudes anglophone
Sorbonne Université, Master Arts, lettres, langues mention Lettres parcours Lettres Classique
Ecole centrale de Lyon, Master of Aerospace Engineering
Paris Sciences et Lettres - École Normale Supérieure, Master in Quantum Engineering
Université de Bourgogne, Master Contrôle et Durabilité des Matériels
Université Paris Cité, Master Biologie Santé - Parcours: Développement, inflammation, régénération
Université Paris Cité, Master Santé publique
Université Paris Cité, Master Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Etrangères et Régionales (LLCER) - Parcours Études Anglophones : Linguistique anglaise
Université de Bordeaux, Master in Digital Public Health
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Master Sciences humaines et sociales mention Arts, littératures, langages : parcours Formes et objets
Université Paris-Saclay, Master Biologie Santé
Université Rennes 2, Master Arts, lettres, langues mention linguistique et didactique des langues
Université Paris Cité, Master Psychologie clinique, psychopathologie et psychologie de la santé - Parcours : Psychologie clinique de la santé
Université Lumière Lyon 2, Master MEEF - Second degré - Langues vivantes étrangères : Anglais
Université d'Aix-Marseille, Master Cinéma et Audiovisuel
Université de Grenoble Alpes, Master philosophie parcours Philosophie de la cognition
The 2022-2023 cohort of Graduate Scholars in France attended Master's-level programs in France including, but not limited to:
Sorbonne Université, Master of Computer Science - Quantum Information (IQ)
Université Clermont Auvergne, Master Economie du développement
Université Paris Cité, Master of Arts and Visual Culture
Université Paris Cité, Master Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Etrangères et Régionales parcours Etudes Anglophones : Linguistique
Sorbonne Université, Master Littérature française
Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, Master Économie Écologique et Développement Durable (2E2D)
Sorbonne Université, Master Etudes Anglophones
Université Jean Moulin Lyon III, Master Droit privé international et comparé
Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Master Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Etrangères et Régionales (LLCER)
Université de Strasbourg, Master of Physics
Université Grenoble Alpes, Master Sciences de la Terre, Planètes, Environnement parcours Hydroressources et Qualité des Milieux
Université de Bourgogne, Master Intercultural Management
Sorbonne Université, Master Biologie moléculaire et cellulaire (BMC)
Université Jean Monnet, Master Traduction et interprétation parcours Métiers de la rédaction et de la traduction
Université Paris Cité, Master Film Studies
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Master Urbanisme et aménagement
Université de Paris Cité, Master Linguistique Théorique et Expérimental
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Master Culture et communication mention Création numérique parcours Innovations en communication
Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Master Innovative Drugs