Upon Arrival

New sights, unfamiliar words — there’s a lot to take in when you’re navigating your way through France for the first time. Here are some important things to do once you arrive in France.
Registering at Your French Institution
After you arrive in France, you will need to register at your new university or institution.
All students enrolling at public universities are required to register in person at the beginning of each academic year. Registration comprises two parts:
Administrative registration (inscription administrative): You will enroll in the national student health plan, choose a supplemental insurance plan (mutuelle), and pay any balance due for your tuition (unless you paid in full in advance). At the end of the process you will receive your student ID card. Visit your university’s website to find out the dates and other details of registration.
Academic registration (inscription pédagogique): In this second phase of the process, you will register for your courses, learn the dates and times of your classes, and receive additional information on grading methods and examination schedules.
Other higher education institutions (grandes écoles, etc.) have their own registration procedures, which are usually communicated to students well before the beginning of the academic year. Be sure to take note of any documents that you may be asked to provide at registration. Originals are often required.
Validating the VLS-TS Visa
Within their first three months in France, all students will need to validate their VLS-TS online
Within the first three months following arrival in France, all students on a long-stay student visa (VLS-TS) must now register and validate their visa following this link. This online registration is mandatory for all students in order to maintain legal status in France, and to be able to reenter France without reapplying for another visa from their home country.
This process will ensure that students are registered as legal residents in France in order to complete relocation steps. More information on this new online registration process, along with information on who to contact with questions, can be found on pages 17-20 of the visa guideline document.