Pay the Etudes en France Application Fee

Pay the application fee here after submitting an Etudes en France Application.


Etudes en France Application Fee

Pay the application fee: 

Study abroad and HDAP allégé students pre-consular applications:

(HDAP allégé : Students who have been admitted to a degree program in France (undergraduate or graduate) by applying directly through the institution, without using the Campus France candidature application)

Independant and Doctorate students pre-consular applications with mandatory interview:

DAP and HDAP candidates applications: 

* from the date of payment submission

When completing the payment form, please do not include apostrophes as they cause a bug in the payment system. For example, O’Malley should be written OMalley and Weaver’s Way should be written Weavers Way.


Students exempt from the Etudes en France Application fee: 

  • Students who are recipients of a French government scholarship (France Excellence Eiffel, France Excellence Graduate Scholars, France Excellence Chateaubriand), Gilman-France Scholarship, Fullbright for the academic year for which they are applying; 
  • Students who hold a French Baccalauréat awarded within the last four academic years;
  • Students accepted into an Erasmus Mundus program with a scholarship. 

If you fall into one of the above categories, please email us at to request an exemption. Please include all documentation related to your exemption request (copy of your Baccalauréat, copy of your scholarship documentation, etc.).

Exemptions only apply for regular 3-week review service. If you would like an expedited 3-day processing, you will be required to pay the $430.00 expedited processing fee using the links above.

Terms and Conditions

  • Online payment will require the student’s Campus France Etudes en France identification number (USXX-XXXXX – number issued when the student created the Etudes en France account).
  • Payments will be shown on the debit or credit card statement as “IFEU-VA”
  • Payments are final and not refundable. Any request for eligible refund must be done within 60 days of payment in writing to
  • The application must be complete with the required documents uploaded and submitted. If applications are incomplete when submitted and when payment is made, the review of the application may take longer than the 3-day or 3-week review time published. 
  • The student must be reachable by phone throughout the entire process. 
  • Upon review of the application, Campus France USA is entitled to deny or defer the expedited service request if the application does not meet the expedited service requirements.
  • The expedited service is not offered for Doctoral students, students who have not submitted a complete Etudes en France application, Independent students, or DAP and HDAP Candidates.