Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships

Most U.S. students who decide to study in France are eligible for various types of scholarships and grants. Here are some helpful resources for your research.
Campus Bourses Scholarship Research Platform
Campus France manages a searchable platform for scholarships available to international students in France. You can search by your field and your nationality on the platform Campus Bourses.
Tip: We recommend searching in both French and in English, as some scholarship entries only appear in one language.
Undergraduate Scholarships
Gilman-France Scholarship - A partnership between the French Embassy and the Gilman Scholarship Program, is a highly selective award for those studying or interning abroad in France. This scholarship supports a wider effort between the United States and France to increase and diversify international student mobility among French and American higher education institutions.
The Fund for Education Abroad - FEA invests in deserving U.S. undergraduates who are least likely to study abroad. Undergraduate students may apply for up to $5,000 in financial assistance to participate in a study abroad program.
The American Society of the French Academic Palms (ASFAP) Study Abroad Scholarships - 3 summer scholarships of $4000 each to be used in a French-speaking country to students whose interest in the French language and Francophone cultures has been identified by their French instructors. Their primary purpose is to provide students with the opportunity to become more proficient in the language and to understand and appreciate cultures found in the French- speaking world. University and high school students are eligible.
Pi Delta Phi National French Honor Society Scholarships - Various undergraduate scholarships for study abroad in France or Francophone countries.
Golden Key International Honor Society Joan Nelson Study Abroad Scholarship – This $5,000 scholarship to support study abroad programs for undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students who are members of the Golden Key International Honor Society.
Fulbright France – Various scholarships for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students to pursue study in French institutions. Over 30 scholars selected every year at various levels.
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Scholarship - If you attend a campus where a Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society has an active chapter, you're eligible for this scholarship, even if you're not a Phi Kappa Phi member. Every year, 75 $1,000 grants are awarded to undergraduate applicants to help them study abroad.
Ecole Normale Supérieure International Selection Awards - The Ecole normale supérieure aims to vary its students’ profiles and incorporate students to be enrolled in the 3rd year of bachelor in Math and in Computing science (licence 3) or 1st year of master (master 1), coming from all over the world and from all disciplines. The competitive examination of the International selection is intended to young graduates in Arts & Humanities as well as Sciences, who justify at least of one year undergraduate studies in a foreign university and distinguish themselves with outstanding results.
Robert. B Bailey Scholarship – In partnership with CIEE, provides scholarships of up to $5,000 to support study abroad for students who self-identify as belonging to an under-represented group.
Sciences Po Bourses Emile Boutmy – Scholarships for international students entering Sciences Po from outside of the European Union (open to undergraduates and graduates)
AATF Walter Jenson Scholarship for Future Teachers of French – For students who plan to become French teachers, this $2,000 scholarship supports students to study abroad for one semester or one year.
(For students in Michigan Universities) FACC Le Détroit Scholarship - The French American Chamber of Commerce in Michigan funds up to 6 students per year who would like to pursue study at the intersection of French and business. Scholarships range from $1,500 to $4,500.
See Study Abroad Provider Scholarships and General Funding Resources below for more opportunities for undergraduate degree-seeking students in France and students studying abroad in France
Study Abroad Provider Scholarships
If you are participating in a study abroad program facilitated by an organizational provider, you may be eligible for scholarships offered by that organization.
CIEE Study Abroad Scholarships
AIFS Abroad Study Abroad Scholarships
Accent International Community College Scholarships
UCEAP Scholarships
Graduate Scholarships
France Excellence Graduate Scholars - Launched in 2022 by the Embassy of France in the United States and Campus France USA, the Graduate Scholars in France program provides full-tuition scholarships to high-potential students who choose to pursue Master's degrees in French higher education institutions.
France Excellence Eiffel Scholarship Program – The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program was established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract top foreign students to enroll in their masters and PhD programs. Applications are submitted by the French institution once the student is admitted. More information for students can be found here.
Fulbright France – Various scholarships for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students to pursue study in French institutions. Over 30 scholars selected every year at various levels.
TAPIF Alumni Scholarships – If you participated in the Teaching Assistant Program in France, you are eligible for various graduate-level scholarships in French institutions including Skema, HEC, Emlyon, Ferrandi Paris, and La Fabrique.
Phi Beta Kappa Walter J. Jensen Fellowship - The primary purpose of the Fellowship is to enrich, promote and improve education in the standard French language in the United States, through an award to educators and researchers to be used for education and study of French language, literature and culture. The Fellowship is awarded for at least six continuous months of study in France and carries a stipend (adjusted annually for inflation) of $17,000 + airfare.
AATF Walter Jenson Scholarship for Future Teachers of French – For students who plan to become French teachers, this $2,000 scholarship supports students to study abroad for one semester or one year.
Golden Key International Honor Society Joan Nelson Study Abroad Scholarship – This $5,000 scholarship to support study abroad programs for undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students who are members of the Golden Key International Honor Society.
Hostelling International Explore the World Scholarship – $2,000 travel grants for students 18-30 years old to support education travel, including study abroad.
Serge Bellanger French American Business Scholarship – Through this selective scholarship program, the French American Chamber of Commerce (FACC) provides financial support to French students seeking to pursue an MBA in the U.S., and to American students who wish to pursue an MBA, a master's degree or a mastère specialisé in a business-related discipline in France. Every year, the FACC Foundation provides multiple, merit-based scholarships. Each scholarship is worth $10,000 and exclusively covers academic tuition.
Rotary Global Grants - The Rotary Club offers various grant and scholarship opportunities through local chapters that may support scholarship for graduate study. Contact your local Rotary Club Chapter for more information.
Ecole Normale Supérieure International Selection Awards - The Ecole normale supérieure (Paris)aims to vary its students’ profiles and incorporate students to be enrolled in the 3rd year of bachelor in Math and in Computing science (licence 3) or 1st year of master (master 1), coming from all over the world and from all disciplines. The competitive examination of the International selection is intended to young graduates in Arts & Humanities as well as Sciences, who justify at least of one year undergraduate studies in a foreign university and distinguish themselves with outstanding results.
Scholarships of Excellence École Normale Supérieure de Lyon - The ENS de Lyon and its partners offer scholarships for excellent international students to enroll in Masters programs in the Sciences, Arts, and Human and Social Sciences. The Ampère Scholarships of Excellence provide a monthly stipend of 1,000€ per month for up to two academic years, open for all Masters students. The MILYON Scholarship supports students in Masters programs in mathematics and computer science.
Sciences Po Bourses Emile Boutmy – Scholarships for international students entering Sciences Po from outside of the European Union (open to undergraduates and graduates)
Eurecom / Institut Carnot Telecom et Société Numérique Excellence Scholarship Program - EURECOM, with the support of the Institut Carnot, has established the EURECOM / Carnot TSN Excellence scholarship program open to outstanding and highly motivated students who wish to pursue a Master of Science with us and who can demonstrate a proven appetite for research. Candidate selection is based on excellence and motivation. 2 scholarships of 10,000€ and 16 scholarships of 5,000€ are awarded annually to qualified Masters level students.
EURECOM 6G Wireless Excellence scholarship program - (Fall 2021 Intake Only) Open to highly motivated students who wish to pursue a Master of Science in Mobile computing systems and who can demonstrate their potential in some of the following fields: Wireless Communications, Mobile Computing, Networking, Mobile Applications and Services, communication theory, Signal Processing and learning for networks. Several Excellence scholarships with a monetary value of 5.000 euros will be disbursed for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Université Grenoble Alpes IDEX Scholarship - The « Initiative d’excellence » (IDEX in short)Université Grenoble Alpes is opening the 2020 Master Scholarship program. Applications to this program are open to foreign students (i.e. students currently enrolled in a University outside France) who apply to one of the Masters offered by the following higher education and research institutions: Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble (ENSAG), Grenoble INP, Sciences Po Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA).
Centrale Nantes Scholarships – Various scholarships available for students enrolling in a Master's Program at Centrale Nantes
Université Paris-Saclay International Masters Scholarships - Université Paris-Saclay aims to promote access for international students to its Master’s programs, delivered by its member institutions, and to make it easier for highly-qualified international students to join the University, especially for those wishing to develop an academic project through research up to the doctoral level.
Grenoble Institute of Technology (GIT) Masters Scholarships – The Foundation of the GIT offers scholarships of up to 10,000€ per year to excellent international Masters students.
Aix-Marseille Université Scholarships for International Students – Scholarships for excellent international graduate students of between 8k and 10k annually.
INSEAD MBA Scholarships – ISEAD offers various significant scholarships for international students pursing business study, values range from 5k to 25k.
HEC MBA Scholarships – All applicants to HEC have the opportunity to apply for generous scholarships to finance their studies. 1 million euros in scholarships annually is awarded to HEC students.
See General Funding Resources below for more opportunities
Research Funding
Research Funding Guide from Andes – A French association of doctoral students and PhD, this site provides several databases for research funding.
Chateaubriand Fellowship Program - The Chateaubriand Fellowship is a grant offered by the Embassy of France in the United States. It supports outstanding Ph.D. students from American universities who wish to conduct research in France for a period ranging from 4 to 9 months.
Make Our Planet Great Again Post-Doctoral Research Funding – Grants of up to 50,000 euros annually to support research in earth systems, climate change and sustainability, the energy transition, or societal challenges of environmental issues.
Phi Beta Kappa Mary Isabel Sibley Fellowship – The Mary Isabel Sibley Fellowship is awarded annually, alternating in the fields of Greek and French. The award may be used for the study of Greek culture (e.g. language, literature, history, archaeology), or the study of French language or literature. It carries a stipend of $20,000 and is not restricted to members of Phi Beta Kappa or to U.S. citizens.
Thomas Jefferson Fund – $20,000 grants to support new collaborations and the most innovative projects between promising young researchers in France and the United States.
French – US Research Funds - The French ministry of Foreign Affairs has created endowments with several prestigious universities in the United States (UC Berkeley, Stanford University, The University of Chicago, MIT, Columbia University, UT Austin) to support research and academic collaborations between these universities and French institutions of Higher education and Research.
Funding for Institutions
Transitioning to Virtual Exchange COVID-19 Response Fund - A new grant program of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy and the FACE Foundation that supports the development of virtual exchange projects and COIL initiatives by French and US institutions and study abroad organizations. Grants of up to $7,500 will be awarded.
Transatlantic Mobility Program – A joint initiative of the US Department of State and the French Embassy to support US colleges and universities to increase the number and diversity of students studying abroad in France. Grants of up to $15,000 available.
France on Campus Award - Awards of between $500 and $2,000 for American student organizations eager to produce creative France-relative projects on their campus while introducing new audiences to French culture. Projects can explore all fields, including (but not limited to) visual arts, design, cinema, music, performance, food, journalism, publishing, science, and technology.
General Funding Resources
Institute of International Education (IIE) – Offers various fellowships and support programs available to US students wishing to study and/or conduct research abroad.
State Department Study Abroad Scholarship Resources – A comprehensive list of US Government support for study abroad and international development programs at all levels.
IIE Passport Study Abroad - IIE manages a database of study abroad scholarships, fellowships and grants. The IIE Passport Study Abroad website allows students to search by country or field of study.
Fulbright Scholarships and Grants for France - Many types of scholarships and grants available in partnership with French institutions to fund student mobility, research, and position teaching English in France. Scholarship Resource Page - Apply to scholarships, read guides on studying in specific countries.
CollegeBoard Scholarship Search Engine - Find scholarships, other financial aid and internships from more than 2,200 programs, totaling nearly $6 billion.
Diversity Abroad Scholarship Search - Free database of scholarships that target minority, low-income and first-generation students
BlackExcel - One of the largest scholarship and resource databases for African American students.
AFS Study Abroad Scholarships – Awards nearly $4.5 million in scholarships and aid annually to help students see the world.
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships - Designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences.
Washington University James Harrison Steedman Memorial Fellowships in Architecture - $50,000 award is granted biannually to an emerging architect to support 6-12 months of international travel for architectural research. The fellowship, jointly administered by Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis and AIA St. Louis, is open to anyone, anywhere in the world, who has received an accredited degree in architecture within the last eight years.
US Department of Education, Jacob K. Javits Fellowships - Provides financial assistance to students of superior ability in the fields of the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Open to graduate students only.
International Education Financial Aid (IEFA) - IEFA is a resource for financial aid, scholarship, and grant information for US and international students wishing to study abroad.
Rotary Foundation Scholarships - The Rotary Foundation and clubs invest in future leaders and philanthropists by funding scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study.
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) – Study abroad scholarships and opportunities
FinAid - Information about financial aid for study abroad and exchange programs. - This site offers a free college scholarship search, as well as information on scholarships, grants, and financial aid opportunities.
INSIGHT Into Diversity Scholarships - Committed to improving educational equity for all students, but especially those from underrepresented backgrounds who may not traditionally be afforded the ability or opportunity to participate in a study abroad program. INSIGHT is awarding a $2,000 scholarship to five individual students currently enrolled in a baccalaureate-granting institution, graduate school, or health profession school.
Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships - Provides general scholarships of up to $10,000 each/Scholarships are awarded a preference to underrepresented students in study abroad programs, including minorities, science and technology majors, and those choosing to study in non-traditional countries.
FastWeb – Search engine for scholarships and financial aid – Search engine for federal financial aid, grants, scholarships
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