Label Bienvenue en France

As an international student in France, your experience depends not only on the quality of the academics, but also on the quality of support services that your institution and community provides.
To help students identify institutions with robust support services, and also provide a national framework of standards to guide institutions, Campus France launched a certification program for international student services called the Label Bienvenue en France.

159 Institutions and Counting with the Label Bienvenue en France
As of November 2024, there were 159 institutions in France that had been awarded the Label Bienvenue en France.
As you research degree and certificate programs using the Campus France catalogs, look for the Label Bienvenue en France logo next to your program listing. You can also use this as a search criterion, to see only programs with this certification.
See institutions with the Label Bienvenue en France (as of November 2024)
Institutions that have been awarded the Label Bienvenue en France have met rigorous criteria for international student support. Support may include:
An on-campus and online ‘Welcome Desk’ that helps international students find housing, understand insurance, open a bank account, enroll in classes, etc.
Degree programs offered in English
French language classes for international students
A ‘Buddy System’, pairing international students with French students to facilitate integration
Assistance in the job search for international students
Support for student and alumni entrepreneurs, including international student start-ups
Read about all of the indicators within the Label Bienvenue en France framework.