Daniel Su
Daniel Su completed a dual degree Masters in Security and Cloud Computing, in both Finland and Côte d'Azur

Tell us about your program!
My program was a dual degree Masters in Security and Cloud Computing (through Erasmus Mundus) that had me start out in Finland, and then move to a secondary exit university for the final part of my studies. I naturally ended up picking France out of many options, as I had always been personally interested in French culture. I had taken a few years of French language courses in high school as well, so it was a great opportunity that allowed me to put those skills to use!
How did your experience in France change your life?
I can also not deny that living in the warm Cote d'Azur minutes from the beach impacted my consideration a bit! Great weather, plenty of beaches, beautiful scenic views along the coast, just a unique environment to be in overall! Even though it is a popular tourist destination, the region offers a good mix of opportunities, being a leader in innovation sectors such as high tech, business, and medicine.